
Removing temporary pavement markings with IBOTECH


The Puller – developed by IBOTECH – is the efficient machine for removing pavement marking tape – dependable, simple to handle and residue-free.

Made in Germany
Your Benefits
  • Removal of
    road markings
    up to 10 km within 8 hours
  • Residue-free removing of marking tape
  • Fast and flexible operation with handy machine
  • Little intervention in traffic Uncomplicated transfer

Efficient & exact removal of pavement markings

IBOTECH is the expert for a fast and residue-free removing of marking tape.

After closing a larger road work zone, usually a changed traffic routing has to be undone. Therefore, an effective and precise removal of temporary pavement markings is necessary. With IBOTECHs Puller the removal of marking tape is fast and residue-free.

Our self-developed machine is precise and very dependable. It is characterized by a simple and intuitive handling as well as a necessary accuracy. In this way, up to 10 km temporary pavement marking tape can be removed within 8 hours.

The most important characteristics

of IBOTECHs machine for removing pavement markings

Effective and fast

Up to 10 km pavement marking tape can be removed within 8 hours in one shift – multiple shift-operation is possible.

Precise and residue-free

IBOTECHs Puller removes temporary pavement marking tape – residue-free and accurate.

Minimum traffic-intervention

The Puller executes fast removing of road markings – in this way the intervention in traffic keeps low.

Flexible Handling

Flexibility and a simple handling are 2 major benefits of the Puller – removing of marking tape is easy and dependable.

Hand-guided and dependable

IBOTECHs Puller is a hand-guided machine – therefore very agile and exact

Fast applicable

The demarking machine is quickly ready for transport and immediately applicable

Precise removing of marking tape

The Puller is IBOTECHs allrounder for all kinds of demarking

With efficiency our demarking machine Puller is able to deliver precise results concerning removal of road marking tape – this works residue-free.

The Puller is characterized by flexibility and dependability. With us, the painstaking work of removing road marking tape is much easier.

Technical data
Demarking machine
Technical data
Product description Hand-guided machine for removing temporary pavement markings
Name Puller
Technical dimensions 1,3 x 0,75 x 0,95 m (l x w x h)
Weight around 145kg